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The nine elements of digital citizenship

In my first week of learning about digital citizenship I have gained so much perspective. There are many factors that I had not considered regarding being a user and consumer of technology. I teach 5th grade, so when we use technology in my classroom the biggest principle that I focus on is respect and digital literacy. Respect involves three elements; etiquette, access, and law. To me this means that students are respectful of others in their digital environment, that they respect the copyright laws and do not take others' work or material without permission. Additionally, I make sure that when we use technology everyone has access. Not all of my students have a device, so when we do activities they all get an opportunity to participate. Lastly, I try to build a technology literate environment in which all students know how to correctly use the tools in front of them. The reality is that being a digital citizen goes way beyond the four elements I have been focusing on. 

If we want our students to be prepared to enter the workforce and to live successful lives in a world that functions with the use of technology we have to start educating students in all aspects of digital citizenship from an early age. This doesn't mean to educate a kindergartner on digital commerce and identity theft but begin teaching them the importance of protecting themselves and others in an online setting. We have to meet students were they are cognitively and make sure we are modeling and teaching all nine elements. There are so many risks that our students are unaware of when they enter the virtual world and our job is to protect them.Students are part of the social media world regularly, we have to educate them in risk and consequences inappropriate use of social media can have in their lives. At the moment social media doesn't really have a place in schools, specially at the younger levels. Students join these communities when they leave schools, but maybe social media education should have a place in the school setting.This week has taught me that I should be doing more for my students so that they can be safe and successful in their Day to day and in their future. 

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